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Zimbabwe: Outspoken Chiyangwa could leave office soon

There is a possibility that the Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) president, Philip Chiyangwa, would be forced to vacate office after the immediate resignation of two federation’s board members, Piraishe Mabhena and Felton Kamambo. The resignation has left ZIFA with only three executive leaving them short of the five man quorum required to run the body. The board was already operating with three vacant positions after the passing on of Zimbabwe’s footballing legend, Edzai Kasinauyo and the delayed appointments of the PSL and women’s football seats.

Given the current situation, constitutionally, the secretary general would dissolve the whole body and assume the top position for a two month period awaiting general elections.

However, Philip “Big Phidza” Chiyangwa seems to be having none of that as they are reports citing that he was working on a plan to appoint two people to occupy the vacant positions. The ZIFA boss is also the president of the Southern African body of football, COSAFA which he assumed only a few months after winning the ZIFA top job. Millionaire, Chiyangwa, is your typical outspoken President Donald Trump kind of guy who was also influential in pushing for the replacement of the long serving AFCON former president, Issa Hayatou.

Do you think Chiyangwa has been backed into a corner this time?