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Ghana FA President banned by FIFA

Kwesi Nyantakyi, President of the Ghanaian football association has been banned by the world football governing body, FIFA.

Nyantakyi has been handed a 90-day ban from all football-related activities pending investigations. Ironically, the Ghanaian also happens to be a member of the FIFA council. The ban comes at the back of recent corruption and bribery scandals regarding the Ghana Football Association and other high profile football stakeholders including Nyantakyi. The news was uncovered by an investigation team spearheaded by well known local journalist Anas Aremayaw Anas. Nyantakyi was pictured receiving a $65 000 bribe from an undercover news reporter.

It is said the reporter pretended to be a businessman from one company in the Middle East with the intention of investing in Ghanaian football. Reports allude to the fact that Nyantakyi went on to both negotiate and write up the sponsorship deal on behalf of the GFA, which could have allowed a cut to go to a company he owned. Should the controversial deal have gone ahead, it is understood that he could potentially earn $4.5 million.

Having been at the helm at the GFA since 2005, the second most powerful man in African football had made anti-corruption one of his main objectives since taking the post at the GFA until he was met by these recent events that have shaken Ghanaian football to the core.

When asked for comment, Information Minister Mustapha Abdul-Hamid said "Having regard to the widespread nature of the apparent corruption involving top GFA officials, NSA (National Sports Authority) officials, match commissioners, football administrators and referees, Government has decided to take immediate steps to have the GFA dissolved," as reported by BBC. In light of this, Information Minister Mustapha Abdul-Hamid has been quick to assert to the country that the Football Association will be dissolved.

The Ghanaian Football Association has also confirmed that Nyantakyi has stepped down from his position as President at the Association. The recent bribery scandals have raised questions regarding the future of African football which is still much engulfed by corruption.